At times we humans have this great abiity to think too much. I mean in a sense that beats all senses. Computers have the problem of overheating and thereby shutting itself, unfortunately we humans don't! Take the example of trying to understand a complicated scientific theory from Einstein. I am sure most of us wouldn't understand a thing. And the people who claim they have understood are lying.
Nevertheless, there was one instance where I found that thinking too much was good. I have heard this story from many people, and each time I heard a new version. Let me give u a breif outline:" Once an atheist science professor comes to the class and questions the students of the class about the validity of God. He makes strong statements which would even make a god fearing person a non beleiver. The strongest point he makes he makes is that of god existed, there needed to be some proof. Can anyone touch God, See God and so on.......the class is stunned in silence. Suddenly one student raises his hand. The professor is happy as he thinks his theory was foolproof. The student says "Sir, you dont have brains!!!" The professor is taken aback, recomposing himself he says "what do you mean?" The student now gets all the attention from the class and he continues, "Sir, if you had brains, there must be some conclusive proof. Can you touch your brain? Can you hear your brain? Can you feel your brain?If you still claim you have brains, then how can you say God does not exist? The whole class erupts into a thunder of applause.......truly this chap deserved it.
I have no clue who the person was, but had I thought so much, my brain would have one numb!!! Studies claim that we only use a small part of our intelligence......so true considering Edison never had formal education. As they say "i was born intelligent, education ruined me"
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