Democracy! That’s what we Indians take pride in……But wait a minute….look back and think about it. We are a democracy alright, but do our votes count? The voting pattern in our country baffles me if not anything. A classic example is Mayawati. Who the hell made her the CM. Let alone CM, a while back we were even thinking of making her our PM. I guess we must never vote if we can’t pick the right leaders. I wonder what the whole of UP was thinking while voting for maya. Apparently most of the state funds are spent on her self-glorification. A court filing was pending and the park with various statues of her and her goon friends were on display. While a huge number of people are suffering in dire poverty, maya finds joy in unveiling her statues.
And this certainly wasn’t her first splurging spree. Her birthdays have made it to the news too. Crores of state funds and bribes are collected to finance the mega event. Wonder why the news channels do not cover these programs and show to the public the mockery of their votes. And we call this democracy.
I guess Lucknow was once called the city of nawabs; but with the current state of affairs it may be renamed: Lucknow UP “where stone age comes to life”. Funny but the state of UP now reminds me of Narnia where people are turned in to ice. Just a minor change: its stones here. And look at the coincidence here even UP is rules by a crazy woman.
We give positions of power to people in half wits and expect them to do us good. Maya is just one in the bandwagon of many jerks in our country. Its high time we stop this nonsense. Make your vote count. We are going nowhere with a 54% turnout for elections. Enroll yourselves and put an end to the sham. People of UP…..All the best in your jumbo ride. At least be sensible the next time around!!! Dalits…..the only dalit who benefited from the present pro-dalit government is Maya. Don’t do the same mistake again!