Astrology has been around for ages now and I really wonder where it all began. In fact, who says time traveling isn't possible. Visit an astrologer today and he will take you on a joyride to the past and future and guess what you will believe every word of it!!!
I'm no maverick in astrology, but the whole concept amazes me and I find it funny to an extent. The reason: You go to an unknown person; in all probability he has a flowing white beard, he speaks funny things and makes funny gestures and looks like a character straight from stone age.; He then will ask about your name, your birthday, birthmark, birthplace etc. After all these he'll show you glimpses of your astronomy textbooks (which you may have missed studying in your school) and finally tell you fantasies about your future. Not to mention your pockets are ripped before you are out of his 'abode'.
Adding to all the drama, you have multiple disciplines in astrology. There is a Chinese astrology, Indian astrology and all other existing countries. In India you have an astrologer in every street. Each claiming that their predictions are much better and 'beware of imitators'. Many are of the opinion that a person who does not find a job has a Plan B : Astrology/palmistry.
Palmistry is popular even in the working classes. There is ample literature on palmistry and everyone who's read a couple of books can read your palm. Professional palm readers have business cards that can put a qualified professional's business card to shame!
But, we have to give it to them that they give people hope (although it could be false hope). It is probably very unscientific too but who cares........I believe in astrology and palmistry and so do you!!!